2021 Reading Log

At the beginning of the year, I’d planned to write monthly reviews of the books I’ve read, but that hasn’t been happening. So, I’ve decided to try something new: I’ve created a page for my reading log, which will cover the whole year and be updated monthly. January through September are up now and can be seen here or found in the menu at the top of the page.

Each book gets a brief book-jacket description, a sentence or two on my thoughts, and my ratings, as follows:

  • 1/5 — Don’t Waste Your Time
  • 2/5 — Can’t Recommend
  • 3/5 — Sorta Recommend
  • 4/5 — Do Recommend
  • 5/5 — Highly Recommend

Go take a peek! How many of the books have you read? Are any of them on your TBR list?

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