Welcome, October! (IWSG)

I almost missed this month’s Insecure Writer’s Support Group blog hop! Sneaking in at the last moment. Nothing like a tight deadline to get your butt in gear.

September was a ridiculously full month. I wrote almost nothing over the entire 30 days. I did have a short piece (a haiku, in fact) published in the fall issue of Molecule, which you can learn more about here and read on page 50 here. It’s my goal to submit at least one piece every month so I can start building up a longer list of pub credits. It gets a little easier every time I do. (It’s still scary, though.)

The question the ISWG asked this month is: “What do you consider the best characteristics of your favorite genre?” I’ll be honest–this question stumped me a bit. Not because I can’t tell you what I love in a book, but because I don’t have a favorite genre. I’m a mood reader, and I read a fairly eclectic array of books (with the exception of chick lit and romance, which you probably already knew if you read LAST month’s ISWG post–just not my jam). I think my favorites are (in no order) sci fi, horror, and literary/upmarket. For the most part, the quirkier, the better (Hollow Kingdom, Good Omens, Nothing to See Here, Sourdough). What I really want, though are characters who are richly drawn and complex. Yes, I love a good plot, but if the characters don’t make me care about them (or watch them in horrified fascination), I don’t want it.

Ground breaking and insightful? No. I think that’s what most readers want. But it’s the one unifying theme across all my favorite books, regardless of the particular genre they fit into.

TL;DR — I got published in September! (Issue 7, page 50) And the one thing I look for in a book, regardless of genre, is a complex character. What do you love in a book?

Thanks for dropping by! See you next blog hop.

This post is part of the monthly blog-hop hosted by the Insecure Writer’s Support Group. On the first Wednesday of every month, members are encouraged to write a post about their writing life and struggles, and visit other blogs in the hop to network and encourage one other. If you are interested in visiting the other blogs or joining yourself, visit the website here.

  1. It’s great to have a variety of genres you can enjoy. I think that would offer so many more options than reading just a single genre (despite the variety sub-genres offer). And kudos to you if you could read through Good Omens. I absolutely loved the online series, but I had such a hard time getting into the writing style. See you next month!

  2. I agree with you about characters. The ones that make me care about them the most I keep coming back to, like an old friend. Congratulations on having your haiku published! I think they would be tricky to write (I have a bad enough time writing poetry). Best of luck with it!

  3. Oh gratz on a oublished haiku. I have only published very few things – haiku among those – I like that you say the scary part grow less with repetition 😉 Thanks!

    PS: I love your hakiu. Haiku wiht humour are so seldom seen.

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